Privacy Policy
At ACDS, your privacy is our priority. We’re committed to maintaining the highest data protection standards and have implemented rigorous measures to safeguard the personal and sensitive information we handle. Our Privacy Policy outlines our approach to data collection, use, storage, and disclosure and explains the steps we take to ensure your information is secure. We adhere strictly to applicable data protection legislation and best practices, ensuring we respect your rights and uphold our responsibilities in managing your data.
To obtain our privacy policy and procedure document, kindly click the button provided below:
Safety Of Children and Young People
Our Commitment to the Safety of Children and Young People
ACDS is committed to the safety of all children and young people. As a Child Safe organisation, we value every child and young person and every decision we make is governed by our belief in their fundamental right to be protected from all forms of harm.
We believe all children, young people and students should be supported to express their views and have their views taken seriously. We commit to providing children and young people with opportunities to actively participate in decisions that affect their lives, and we support them to do so.
We promotes cultural safety for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and those from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds and provides all of the children and young people we support with the opportunity to connect with their culture and strengthen their sense of belonging and identity.
We support the rights of children and families living with disability and commit to providing opportunities for children with a disability to safely participate in their community. We commit to developing LGBTIQA+ inclusive practices across all our services and creating welcoming and inclusive environments for children, young people and their families.
ACDS supports the rights and safety of children, young people and students who are unable to live at home including those in kinship care.
ACDS complies with the National Child Safe Principles and the Victorian Child Safe Standards. The standards are a minimum set of requirements for organisations providing services to children and young people in Victoria. They ensure the safety of children and young people is promoted, child abuse is prevented and allegations of child abuse are properly responded to.
We commits to implanting the Victorian Child Safe Standards and the National Principles for Child Safe Organisations. Investing in our people and our systems, through supervision, ongoing learning and development, enables us to promote and establish a child safe culture.
ACDS have clear and detailed policies and procedures about how to respond to complaints and allegations of abuse. We actively commit to reviewing policies and procedures and are working across the sector to continually strengthen our approaches and improve outcomes for children and young people.
There is zero tolerance for any form of child abuse or maltreatment within ACDS. Any suspected abuse or maltreatment must be reported both internally and to external authorities including police and Child Protection. If you believe a child is at immediate risk of abuse phone 000.
For further information about ACDS’s commitment to the safety of all children and young people, or to provide any feedback about our approach to child safety, please Contact Us
Download ACDS Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy