Welcome Assurance Care disability services

Mon - Fri 8:00 - 18:00 / Sunday 8:00 - 14:00
Getting started with NDIS

What you need to know

The primary prerequisite to utilising NDIS services is fulfilling the eligibility requirements. For you to be deemed eligible for NDIS, it’s necessary that you have a lasting disability which:.

Limits your capability to actively engage in activities, perform tasks or actions without support,

Impacts your potential for social and economic involvement,

Suggests a likely need for lifelong support under the provisions of the NDIS.

You must also be:

An Australian citizen, or In possession of a permanent visa, or Holding a Protected Special Category Visa, and Below the age of 65. You can also visit ndis.gov.au for more detailed information.

You can also visit ndis.gov.au for more detailed information. OR

Feel free to request a service from ACDS or engage our dedicated team with any queries you, or the person you are caring for, may have. We’re here to assist.